Wednesday 16 May 2012

My Life is Not Normal

It's crazy how everything can change in only a couple of days. Sunday was a day just like any other; got back from the Sunday church service at the same time like every other week. We expected my sister to get home precisely half an hour after us due to her after church choir practice. Yes, she even sang, right up front, dead centre, where everyone can see her. Of course she was the centre focus of the choir, just like with everything else she did. Anyways, back from that little rabbit trail, the day was just like any other, except for one thing; Stacy (my sis) had not arrived home yet, and and it had been 15 min past her expected arrival time, which she never broke. Until finally 35 min later the phone rang. My mom answered expecting it to be Stacy explaining and sucking up to mom, but instead it was the cops. A call from the cops is never a good thing, so i just smiled thinking that Stacy got in trouble for the first legit time in her life. Turns out Stacy got into a car accident, she was hit by oncoming traffic and was placed in the ICU. That next day she passed away.
I'm not sure if anyone even reads this blog, and to be honest I really don't care if nobody does. I am so used to no one paying attention to me so I feel that I am able to vent my emotions on this blog because I know no one would actually consider taking their own time to read something I wrote. If you do by chance however read this blog then DON'T feel sorry for me or email me your condolences, ever! I'm sorry, ill explain. See, I've never truly been able to love my sister, and I do not miss her one bit.
I will give you some background information on my sister:

Name: Stacy Reid
Age: 19
Job: Future owner of Reid Furniture
Activities involved in: Anything she can get her hands on
What she loved doing: Stealing and being the centre of attention, no matter what she is doing
Nickname: Perfect angel

If you haven’t already noticed or understood that my sister is a complete goody-two-shoes, and a attention seeker then something is wrong with you. She is said to be the “perfect daughter”.
Ohh and I forgot to mention and explain her job. It all started 50 years ago when my grandparents on the Reid side of the family, started a furniture business called Reid furniture (original right?) Once my grandparents retired from the store they passed it down onto my parents. The plan was once my parents got either too old or tired of running the business then they were going to hand it over to my sister. She was very smart and knew the store like the back of her hand, so it would have been an easy transition. Now that she is dead guess what my parents planned out for my future, working at the furniture store. They just expected that I wanted to be like my sister and follow exactly in her footsteps, since they found her amazing, but that’s not the case at all. I don’t want to be anything like her. Yea maybe the attention would be nice sometimes but that's besides the point.
So to conclude my first official blog I am happy Stacy is gone out of my life forever, but on the other hand it sucks for me, now having to convince my parents to find someone else to take over the business. I have no idea what this next week has in store for me but I'm excited to start over my life without Stacy in it. Maybe I will finally get the attention I deserve.

Amy Reid

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